Monday, November 9, 2009

Phantom of the Little Opera House on the Prairie

In a colossal double-booking error, ASU Gammage recently discovered that it had scheduled both Phantom of the Opera and Little House on the Prairie in early December 2009. Negotiations for an early end to the Phantom run proved fruitless. When asked for comment, Christine said “no one ever thinks of me in these situations” while the Phantom was of the opinion that things were past the point of no return. Rescheduling Little House was not a viable option either. When approached with the idea, Ma became furious and exclaimed “Do you think you’re dealing with a bunch of country girls? There will be no prairie moves.” In the end, a compromise was reached. For the overlapping period, both musicals will be merged into one – Phantom of the Little Opera House on the Prairie. In striking irony, early reviews report that the combined production could be a bigger hit than any single musical ever. So get your tickets now and prepare for entertainment to the 2nd degree. Songs include:

Angel in the Kitchen
We’re Lost in a 4th of July Masquerade
All I Ask of You is to make it Home
Wishing You Could Somehow See Again
Thunder of the Night

By the way, please don’t mention anything to Annie or Mary Poppins (or Jesus Christ for that matter). Things are complicated enough already.

See you at the Gammage!